Golf Course Review: Old Bridge Golf Club
Terrible staff and course
I live fairly close to the course but work in Lexington so the last couple of days I thought I would go play a quick nine holes. I am a pretty good player and generally very quick. I get to the course the first day and the woman told me they stop letting anyone out on the course after 6:30. It was 6:40.and I was by myself. So the next day I wanted to try again and I rushed home and changed clothes and made it to the course at 6:10.nope. The man said they shut down at six. I would think that as much as that course needs work, and believe me it needs work that that they would be happy to take every dime they could get. I didn’t play the course a whole lot but when I did it was in horrible condition. They’ll never get my “dime” again
Overall Experience
Based on my experience: I would not play the course again.
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