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Maplehurst Golf Course
Maplehurst Golf Course

Maplehurst Golf Course

Maplehurst Golf Course

700 Bells Mill Rd
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
Phone: 502-957-3370

Golf Course Review: Maplehurst Golf Course

Just Awful!

I have probably played this course at least 200 times over the years. I can remember when it was actually maintained fairly well and was a decent place to play. In recent years, it seems to have gone down hill quite a bit. I most recently played it on 6/9/16 and it is in the worst condition of any course I have ever played. We have had a lot of rain, but the course was rock hard. There is no grass in the fairways, it's all weeds of one type or another. The greens are like concrete with weed runners running along the surface. It doesn't look like the greens have had any water on them in weeks. Not only this, but the management doesn't even bother to put out any water coolers. I walked 18 holes without being able to get a drink of water, except when I went into the clubhouse to get a drink as I made the turn. I would imagine the extremely poor condition of the course and the lack of water to drink is probably the reason I was about the only person playing on that day. The weather was perfect... very sunny and warm, but not at all hot. Perfect conditions, yet I was out there all alone. I definitely will not return to this course this year. Maybe next year I'll give it one last try. The truth is that they need to close this course until they can make enough improvements that it is playable. As of now, it is not. When I last played this course on 6/9/16, it was the worst golf course I have ever been on in my life.

Overall Experience



Based on my experience: I would not play the course again.

Posted by Ted on 06/18/2016 - This review has been viewed 5,538 times.

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